Emphatic Constructions

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Emphatic Constructions
it is/was… who/that… (именно…)

It was Peter Higgs who received the Edinburgh Award for 2011.
It is this switching of charges that accelerates the particle.
it is/was there (or other adv. of time and place)… that… (именно там…) It was in the 1970s that the creation of a beam extraction system of the. Synchrophasotron began.
NOTE: remember that the predicate verb is always in the singular form, even if the subject is plural. It is accelerators that are used to explore atomic nuclei.
Усилительные конструкции служат для выделения членов предложения в тексте и представлены в виде рамочных оборотов it is(was) … that (who, whom). Выделенные слова замыкаются между it is (was) … that (who). Элементы оборота it is … that … служат формальными признаками выделения и на русский язык не переводятся. При переводе используются усилительные слова именно, только и т.п.
It was the development of radio that the article dealt with.
Именно развития радио касалась эта статья
При выделении обстоятельства времени обычно употребляется it was not until … that …, а в русском переводе добавляются слова только, только после, только тогда, когда.
It was not until 1960 that this discovery was made
Это открытие было сделано только в 1960 году.
Emphatic tenses
I do take medicine for an allergy.” (present emphatic tense)
I did take medicine for an allergy. (past emphatic)
I will take allergy medicine. (future emphatic)
Inversion in negative sentences


Not until…

Never… /Seldom…/Rarely…

No sooner… than… /hardly… when /scarcely… when

Not only…but also…
Nowhere is adequate consideration given to the possible effects of atomic-energy developments on our economic system and social institutions.

Not until 2004 was it possible to specifically produce and investigate the single layer of carbon atoms.
Never, for one moment, did these international scientists imagine that their great co-operative contribution was to become the private and secret monopoly of one government.

No sooner was the war over than President Truman, fumbling and stuttering in the shadow of Roosevelt, voiced the interests of the great American combines by declaring that his government intended to retain, as a secret monopoly, the technical processes regarding the production of atomic energy and the atomic bomb.
We show that not only did the US push the Shah to buy nuclear power plants from the US, but was also willing to offer Iran the technology for uranium enrichment if Iran agrees to buy eight US-manufactured NPPs.
Двойное отрицание/Double negation:

Not may be used before adjectives and adverbs which have negative prefixes un-, in-, il-, im-, ir-, dis- to emphasis the meaning of a sentence. Such word combinations have positive meaning For example: not uncommon –обычный; not infrequently –часто.

There are a number of ways to add emphasis to your sentences in English. Use these forms to emphasize your statements when you are expressing your opinions, disagreeing, making strong suggestions, expressing annoyance, etc.
Cleft sentences: It is/ It was
Sentences introduced by ‘It is’ or ‘It was’ are often used to emphasize a specific subject or object. The introductory clause is then followed by a relative pronoun. Examples: It was I who received the promotion. It is the awful weather that drives him crazy.
Cleft Sentences: What
Sentences introduced by a clause beginning with ‘What’ are also used to emphasize a specific subject or object. The clause introduced by ‘What’ is employed as the subject of the sentence as is followed by the verb ‘to be’. Examples: What we need is a good long shower. What he thinks isn’t necessarily true.
Exceptional Use of ‘Do’ or ‘Did’
You have probably learned that the auxiliary verbs ‘do’ and ‘did’ are not used in positive sentences – for example: He went to the store. NOT He did go to the store. However, in order to emphasize something we feel strongly these auxiliary verbs can be used as an exception to the rule. Examples: No that’s not true. John did speak to Mary. I do believe that you should think twice about this situation.
Note this form is often used to express something contrary to what another person believes.